Monday, May 5, 2014

The Proof Is On My Dashboard...

Would you believe the post about the traps of credit cards was my most read post EVER?!   Do you know what that tells me?  Many of you, like me, have made financial mistakes. But you are here now.  That means you still have hope, like me.  I am certainly glad I am not alone, but also, I will be out of the trap in two years according to my plan.  I just want to say, I would like see you on the flip side too.  Make your plan, and work your plan.  Leave your credit card at home if you need to, to stick to your budget. Freeze it in a block of ice if you want to slow down its accessibility. Remember, each swipe is stealing away your financial future. It is not easy, I almost thawed my ice cube out a few weeks ago for something very important to me. But choosing not to pull out the credit card allowed me to go another way.  If you need the credit card to go out to eat, go another way: we like to do a rotisserie chicken or order a pizza as an escape from cooking--with a family of five, this is much cheaper!  If you need a credit card to go to the movies, go another way: I never took my 6-year-old to the theater to see Frozen---but when it came out we bought it, popped our popcorn, picked out a bag of candy from the store, and saved huge in the process (along with watching it 20 times) . If you need a credit card to buy a new outfit, go another way:  Search high and low in your closet, check out a thrift store (you will be SHOCKED if you have never been. People are crazy shopaholics and they go donate expensive, unworn clothing.) Pedicure time? Go another way: Try a foot bath and and an expensive foot scrub with professional nail polish.  Craving coffee? Go another way: skip the coffee house and brew at home, I have awesome vanilla syrup along with my Keurig that makes the perfect cup for 75% less. I know it is not the same, but if you are reading blog this because you have gotten yourself stuck in the credit card trap, you honestly should try going without some of these splurges while you dig yourself out.You will be amazed that seeing debt drop dramatically feels just as fabulous as lives splurges.

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