Saturday, January 5, 2013

What to Expect When Your Expecting to Read My Blog

If you're like me (and I am thinking you are since you read my blog) you belong to a lot of Facebook groups, email subscriptions, ect. that clue you in to deals on items for purchase, or free samples, specific ways to save a few dollars.  I belong to a plethora of them as well; they are great and have their place in my lifestyle.  That is, however, not the intent of this blog.  This blog is not a link to specific deals, but more specifically, this blog is a "big idea" blog.  I want to share more of the lifestyle choices we use to maintain balance between little kids, little money, and little time and hope to see our readers ideas, too.

Too often, those deal bloggers, websites, ect. that I am addicted to (right now, it is Groupon) do have great deals. BUT their goal is to encourage us to spend money. Yes, they have so many great deals, BUT it is still money out of our budgets.  For some budgets any great deal is no deal at all if the money is gone.  Some consider even buying a box of macaroni and cheese an unnecessary "splurge".  Nearly any amount of money is too much for some families' budgets and I want all to feel like this is a blog they can read and participate in, no matter the paycheck.

January shopping is still my favorite, but it is important to remember the most important things in life are not things at all.

1 comment:

  1. A Facebook friend posted the following after reading this: My motto for this New Year is Less is More! Opposite of your title but same concept: It's MORE satisfying with less. I need to get rid of clutter, debt, and weight. I am a happy person but will be MORE happy if I could find what I am looking for in my house and get to it easier, I would be MORE happy if I could move my body more if I had less weight AND I would be MORE happier if I owed less money.

    This applies to me! Too much stuff can weigh down your life and wastes so much time when trying to clean, find things, organize things. Time is the most precious commodity so it is wise to use it well and not let material objects steal away those precious moments.

    My strategy to this is keep a bag tucked in a closet for stowing away extras you do not need as you come across them for donation to Goodwill or the Vietnam Veterans of America (1-800-775-VETS. The Vets are spectacular, as they will come out for a pick up for large items, and they have me on their calling list and call me whenever they have a truck in my neighborhood. I make a point to say "YES!" whenever they call and start searching high and low for what is ready to go. It is the quickest cleaning ever, and it goes to a great cause.

    Some items are just so hard to part with as a donation because the expense or work we had to go through to get them in the first place. Selling items is a clutter-cutter, but it does take time. Recently I used the store "Once Upon a Child" to sell a few of my nicer children's items, "Plato's Closet" for my teen. Neither paid me much money, but I had nearly $25 between the two stores in the past week. I have a friend who sells items herself on a virtual garage sale Facebook page (and I have bought much from her on it!). Our area had someone start an online deal page for selling on Facebook as well. Craigslist is our family's typical selling/buying site, although we are trying to make some of these other ideas work. Selling stuff is a great way to clear clutter and help that "Too Little Money" problem a bit; but it does take the investment of time, which sometimes we are just not willing to spend.

    No matter how the clutter leaves the home, I will agree, cutting ties with extra stuff feels absolutely AMAZING!

    This week, I gave one bag to a friend, saved one for my sister, gave 5 bags to the Vets, have one in my closet to bring to donate or donate next time the Vets call, and sold about 2 bags worth of items to OUAC and Plato's Closet.
    Grand Total=10 bags of unnecessary THINGS GONE this week!!!
