Sunday, January 6, 2013

Coupons Galore!!!

Today would be a great day to buy a Sunday paper. Or two or three.  There are five packets of coupons in my local paper AND because everyone is on their New Year's Resolution kicks, they are not the typical processed food/junk food variety.  Many of the coupons are for healthy meal and snack choices! There are many approaches to couponing that say clip or save ALL the coupons and organize them by date so you can match up with upcoming store sales.  If you do that, great for you, but that is NOT my strategy.  I simply cut the coupons for things I regularly buy, may buy if the price is right, or new product I might want to try.  I try to keep a limited number of coupons so my time does not get sucked by this could-be addiction.  Remember the clutter-free post from earlier---no need to buy or clip coupons for things you don't use/need!  Free is fun, but free is not worth the clutter if they are not needed.  Keeping a smaller number of coupons will help you find and use them quickly so you can get back home to your family and those important things that are not things.  This couponing strategy typically saves me $10-$20 on a purchase around $100, for those who are interested in how much this helps our budget, and I spend about half an hour weekly clipping, organizing, and preparing a grocery store list with my coupons.

1 comment:

  1. Jacksonville Readers, another great resource in the newspaper I read every Sunday is the Money Section D. They have some articles from the Wall Street Journal I enjoy reading every week...and it may sound dry to you, but they are really well written, especially Laura Kreutzer's articles. This week she wrote "I Resolve to Handle Resolutions Better" on page D-7, it was a great read and worth the time.
