Saturday, February 25, 2012

Coddling Kids

This was the headline on Fox News today and it  certainly grabbed my attention.  As a teacher, I have felt countless times what I interpreted as parents "coddling" kids.  Many of my peers feel the same.  Unmotivation is raging from where I stand, and often parents are enabling kids to "pass the buck" so to speak and not take responsibility for actions (of themselves and their children).  I see lots of 4th grade homework done in adult handwriting, have had parents in tears that they let down their children when truly the children were the ones who chose their actions! Parent conferences are centered around, what am I going to do about a problem, not what parents or students can or should do. How common the occurrence is, no one can truly answer.  And truly, we hope that most parents do not fall into this category.  However, I believe I myself am guilty of this with my own children at time ( I can be a total softee, I SOOO need to practice dropping the hammer) Tim Elmore, Author of Generation iY (i stands for I, ipods, ipads, ect. like an online world) appeared this morning on Fox and Friends News to share some tips on how to raise kids with the end goal of SURVIVING without their PARENTS (because some day we will not be on this planet for them, and we need them to THRIVE. 80% of college graduates are moving back home...will they be ready when that option does not exist???)  I found myself agreeing with most of the things he said and attempted to buy his book for my Nook after hearing his view.  It is not available at Barnes and Noble at this time, but online I found it could be bought in an ebook format for $8.99 here  I do plan on reading this book at some point, but am not buying until I hear some good reviews (perhaps I could review a copy on my blog and facebook for those interested).  But for now, the thing that stuck with me, was "Velvet-Covered Brick".  Tim says parents need to be a brick covered with velvet....soft and loving on the outside, their biggest cheerleader....but a brick on the inside meaning teaching them they are preparing for a life WITHOUT YOU to help them.  This means being tough, letting them fail (if they do on their own), not smoothing over every bad situation for them.  He also author a book called "Habitudes" my 15 year-old is reading in her small group at church, so he has a Christian viewpoint. Here is a link to a YouTube video of the speaking on the iY generation  Parents of the iY generation, let me know what you think about Tim Elmore, have you read his stuff, will you?


  1. I just emailed Chloe from their website, hoping to see if I can review a copy for my blog, facebook, and co-workers! We will see if I get a response! Also, am taking the pledge on the website and posting it in my home AND classroom---I am also going to cover a brick with velvet as a reminder of that great analogy and am planning to show it to parents during conferences.

  2. Yay! Chloe responded, and included an ebook of Gen iY! I have a feeling this is going to spark quite a few posts for the blog AND some great conversations with my coworkers at school. I will let you know what I think in a week or so after reading cover to cover, but I am really thinking it is going to be great!
