Sunday, March 25, 2012

Could Poor Lifestyles Damage National Security?

This week I heard the stat that 75% of our youth will be ineligible for military service due to obesity, criminal records, or failure to complete high school.  I was outraged by this! I am sorry, but this stat does not make me feel patriotic or proud.  As a teacher, I try everyday to influence my students positively, addressing each of these issues at an appropriate level for their age.  But some part of me fears this will not be enough, and cringes to think of their futures.  My own children is my true jurisdiction.  Absolute commitment to raise them each to their full potential is high on my to-do list.  As much as I want them to be ELIGIBLE for military service, I started to think about if  I actually want them to serve.  (because I would be afraid...not because I would not be proud.  If my children enlist, I am going to be the biggest red, white, and blue fan in the world.)  The irony of this is that I once (very happily) joined the Army.  The year was 1995, and the world was a different place then.  In the year 2012, everything feels tenser, heightened somehow (or I know more now than I did then?) Parents of troops, I salute you. I'll bet your are beyond proud. I considered skipping this post because I certainly do not want to offend or seem uncaring.  I care (here I am thinking about it, and my little kids would not be eligible for another decade! My teen just doesn't strike me as the military type, but she could surprise me!) I was just wondering how hard it is as a parent to let your children do something that terrifies you?  Fear of harm for your children is the strongest fear I can imagine.  Sounds a bit silly, but if you really don't want your children to join the military, you could overfeed them and encourage a sedatary lifestyle (absolutely, sarcastically kidding here--although some scared, selfish part of me REALLY wants to seal the deal so my kids never sign up.)  In a sense, the "could your kids join the military?" is a compass of sorts on a healthy lifestyle (active, decent diet, good grades, and no trouble with the law).  If your children can or do enlist, you have done a great job as a parent!!!  So I am trying to raise kids who COULD enlist although the jury is out on if I want them to enlist or not.  I just can't imagine the fear and stress of having those troops be my babies!---But guess who never thought about that fear for myself 17 years ago??? Me.  I bet I terrified my mom enlisting!  She never really let me know that.  She was supportive and loving and my biggest fan.  Just like I want to be for my own kids, regardless of the choices they make in life.  Parenting certainly makes you see things you did not see before you were a parent!


  1. Really hope I come across as a concerned parent here, not unpatriotic. There are other scary jobs too, police officer, fire fighter, astronaut, nuclear phycist?(How do I spell that? Is that dangerous?) If my kids could all be....what is the safest job out there? Bubble wrap testers? Goat farmers? Ugg, Ok, I'll admit, all the decent jobs have something that could go wrong.....

  2. I think you made your point very nicely and not in an offending way. I totally understand where you are coming from and haven't even thought about this subject myself yet (probably because I don't have a teenager).
    We definitely take for granted all the risks our military, police, firefighters and other professionals take for us!

  3. Thanks Ang! I almost deleted the whole post because I know for certain some readers of my blog have children in the military. I would believe some of us have little ones that some day will enlist. In the end, I decided to post it because we are not going to all have the same opinions on all parenting topics and I actually want to hear counter arguments too...who knows someone's counter to my opinion might be JUST WHAT some parent now or in the future needs to hear. Our society tends to suggest if we are "friends" we all agree 100% of the time and when friction arises, we are no longer friends. This is RIDICULOUS! I want my friend to be true friends who sharpen me! Call out my flaws as you see them, only then can I grow as a person!!!
