Monday, April 16, 2012

Thank your for reading my blog!

I do love writing a blog (and wish I had more time to post!) but was really hoping for more of a discussion board effect (lots of comments/responses to each other, ect) I can see lots of people read it, and many want to respond but don't know how. I am thinking I might want to move this whole thing to another format that would be easier for comments.  Does anyone have any ideas of where it could move to??? I am wanting more feedback from you all, in some ways, I want to know if I am "normal" about various topics.  Lately, I have been thinking about my grocery spending.  I try to be "frugal", yet I am still spending over $600 a month (last month, close to $800!!!) I do have a family of five, and we eat in (not out often) and pack lunches for most of us every day. I am concerned maybe I am spending too much on groceries because I do alot of shopping at Sam's Club, and have to buy in bulk there, PLUS need a trip to a grocery store each week for produce/other items that I don't buy there. It is almost impossible for me to leave that store without spending more than $50, and usually it is around $100 or more.....


  1. We are a family of 3 - and my 10 year old step daughter is only here 1/2 time and we spend about $600 a month.I noticed that when I meal plan we spend less but it's really hard to cut that bill down....I try to clip coupons but don't want to put in the effort to be a "couponer". I would love to hear others cost saving ideas!

  2. It is hard, but it is harder to even know without knowing what others are spending/saving. I do "coupon" but I don't extreme coupon. I clip what I buy on a regular basis and stock up on sale prices.

  3. Big response to this on my facebook, seriously wonder if I should restart the blog on facebook ( a separate page, not my personal page) It would be so much easier for people to keep track....and maybe could gain more readers?

  4. Facebook comments on this topic...

    ----WITH coupons I spend about $70 per week for a family of 3-this usually includes diapers, food, dog food, etc...I use coupons which 90% of the time coordinate with the sales at the different stores I go to.

    ---We have a family of 4 and we do the same, coupon, coupon, coupon! We dont spend more than 50 cents on anything if we can help it. We spend around $75 per week on groceries and $15 a week on papers for coupons (20 papers)

    ---There is a website for the Orlando area that does matchups. its Im not sure how far you are away from Orlando...

    Printable Grocery Coupons

    ---I have a family of 5 and with coupons I usually get our food between $100 and $125 a week. Some weeks I can get them for even less. This week I only spent $80! I would love to get the bill down even more. I try to stick to a menu and a list and try to see where I can cut here and there.

    --- I spend about $560 a month for a family of 6 (one is An Infant). I clip coupons for what I need but don't spend a lot of time looking for the Best deal, going To multiple stores, etc.

    ---We strive to spend $200 every 2 weeks which also includes a trip to Walmart for household items. We are a family of 5 (which includes 2 teenagers!) I do not coupon, but I do meal plan and I almost never buy name brands.

    ---One huge suggestion, if you shop at Walgreens, get items that give you register rewards. Some grocery stores accept them, and use them on items you don't normally get coupons for. (especially fresh produce, milk, etc)

    ---Honestly probably 150 a week, price for fresh fruits and veggies, can't wait for the farmers markets to open here.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Guess with 4 and on in diapers not too bad but that's like all things for the house and we done eat out but 1 time a week generally

    ---We dine out too just Once A Week but only to fast food as it costs us about $24 versus $80 at a
    Restaurant. And who brings
    4 Kids To a restaurant anyway?!
    55 minutes ago · Like

    ---Ok, I must be doing something crazy wrong....I try to save, I coupon, I menu plan, but I am still over $600 always and sometimesl close to $800 a month..........that is excluding diapers/wipes/household/cleaning....We don't go out often though, and I have to pack tons of lunches...

    ---I'm like you, DeeAnne. Plus, since I run a Daycare, I use some of my income to put back into my business (ie. feed kids, supplies, etc.).
