Wednesday, February 26, 2014

One of the few things that are NOT little in my life...

Well, looking at the last date of posting, obviously, there is still little time in our family of five.  At work, I moved from teaching 4th grade to kindergarten. I LOVE it, but it has certainly consumed a good chunk of nights and weekends while I organized, learned, and planned.  Our bank account has significantly changed, debt payoff  is priority, yet somehow there is still too little money. Little kids have grown a bit bigger at ages six and three (big kid at seventeen!) but still quite little.  So I still have plenty to say about life with little (time, kids, and money).

However, there is one thing that is NOT little. The number on the scale. Eeek.  I have been trying to reel it in for a while now, and began running about a year ago.  I am down 10 pounds and a dress size, but I need to pick up the pace as time is going to make this battle harder each year.

Possible solution?  T25.  T25 promised gym results, in only 25 minutes a day.  I saw it a few months ago but shook my head when I saw the nearly $200 price tag.  Boo.  Ironic most of us have 25 minutes a day we could dedicate to exercise but not $200 for the pricey program.

Is there another way to get your hands on this?  Buy used, like Craigslist? Borrow from a friend? Show up when your best friend is doing the workout?? All of the above will work.

I managed to get my hands on it without paying retail due to a friend prepping for her honeymoon. Yesterday, I attempted to complete workout number one. Dinner was cooking, kids were calling, and ultimately I made it a T18 quitting 7 minutes early to make sure I didn't need the fire department ( I didn't) but I will assure you, my bottom can feel all 18 minutes.

Today, I did workout number two---all sweet T 25 minutes of it!  I was impressed with the quality of the 25 minute workout!  Who knew there is no need to spend an hour at a gym?? I am planning on going the distance and completing the entire 4 month program. Maybe I will even post my before and after.

So if you are like me and have that one big thing in your life of all these little things, I strongly recommend trying to get your hands on T25---just never feel you have to pay full price. Or take the 25 minutes to move your body the best you can with the time you got.  Remember, taking time for yourself is not selfish, it is a NECESSITY of a sane, happy, and healthy mom who will be putting her kids first the other 23 hours, 35 minutes of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Any tips on HOW to comment? I had this from my sister on Facebook, and wanted to share since she should know...she is a group fitness instructor at the YMCA...Boo I still can't post on the blog site itself. I agree, when time is short, make the minutes count. I would add find ways to sneak in exercise in your day. Choose to get up often, play on the floor with your kids maybe even doing some sit-ups and push ups with kids on you (depends on their size) and don't make everything so easy. Put items in locations that require reaching, stretching or standing. Great post, can't wait to see more.
